Golden Teacher and other psychedelic mushrooms owe their fame to their psilocybin content. It is this substance that is responsible for the extraordinary sensations they offer. Psylocybin affects mood and sensory perception, opening doors to unknown corners of the mind.


In today's world, where exploration of the mind is becoming increasingly fascinating, psychedelic mushrooms such as Golden Teacher are gaining popularity. Golden Teacher is one of the varieties of Psilocybe cubensis - the Cuban coot. Together with a few other species, such as Copelandia cyanescens, they are known as 'psychedelic mushrooms' or 'magic psychoactive mushrooms'. What are these mysterious mushrooms really like, and what makes them so special?

The fascinating world of the Golden Teacher

Psylocybin: A Key Substance

Journey Beyond the Limits of Reality

Under the influence of Golden Teacher, travellers experience intense changes in their perception of reality. The world becomes full of colours, sounds, and patterns that are elusive in everyday life. It's like discovering a new dimension, where the boundaries between what is real and what is imagined begin to blur.

Magic Mushrooms: Myths versus Reality

Psychedelic Mushrooms versus Mythology

Golden Teacher, like many other psychedelic mushrooms, have long been present in various cultures and mythologies. Many believe that these magical mushrooms have the power to open doors to the spirit world and are a source of profound knowledge.

Golden Teacher i inne grzyby psychodeliczne zawdzięczają swoją sławę zawartości psylocybiny. To właśnie ta substancja jest odpowiedzialna za niezwykłe doznania, jakie oferują. Psylocybina wpływa na nastrój i percepcję zmysłową, otwierając drzwi do nieznanych zakątków umysłu.

Although psychedelic mushrooms may seem fascinating, there are also real dangers associated with their use. Uncontrolled consumption can lead to unpredictable psychological reactions, as well as serious health problems. It is therefore important to approach them with caution and understanding.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I safely consume Golden Teacher?

To safely consume Golden Teacher, there are a few rules to follow:

  • Choose a safe environment.
  • Ensure the company of experienced people.
  • Determine an appropriate dosage, tailored to your experience.

2. What Effects Can Be Expected?

The effects of ingesting Golden Teacher can vary depending on the person, their mood and their environment. They can include heightened sensations, intense visualisation, and deep reflection.

3. Does Golden Teacher Have Therapeutic Uses?

In recent years, a growing body of research has pointed to the potential use of psychedelic mushrooms, including Golden Teacher, in psychological therapy. However, this area still requires further research.

Golden Teacher i inne grzyby psychodeliczne zawdzięczają swoją sławę zawartości psylocybiny. To właśnie ta substancja jest odpowiedzialna za niezwykłe doznania, jakie oferują. Psylocybina wpływa na nastrój i percepcję zmysłową, otwierając drzwi do nieznanych zakątków umysłu.

Summary: The world of the Golden Teacher

Golden Teacher is one of the most fascinating varieties of psychedelic mushrooms, transporting travellers to regions of the mind that cannot be described in words. However, like any journey, it requires responsibility and an awareness of risk. Influencing our senses, psilocybin raises questions about the nature of reality and our mind. Therefore, the exploration of this mysterious world should always be preceded by caution and respect.

Enter this fascinating world in moderation, respecting the power of the Golden Teacher, which can lead to deep reflections and transformations. Because in the end, even the most magical journeys require a responsible approach. Golden Teacher is one of the varieties of Psilocybe cubensis - the Cuban coot. This, as well as a few other species (e.g. Copelandia cyanescens) are known as 'psychedelic mushrooms' or 'magic psychoactive mushrooms'. They owe their fame to their psilocybin content - which affects mood and sensory perception.

Related products

Growkit Golden Teacher - All-In-One - maintenance-free
Golden Teacher growkit
DrPSY growkits are 100% legal in Poland.

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Capacity: 1200 cc

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