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Research on psychedelics

Research on psychedelics

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  • The Potential of Psychedelic Therapy: New Hopes for Mental Health
    The Potential of Psychedelic Therapy: New Hopes for Mental Health
    55577 Views Liked

    Have you ever wondered about alternative treatments that may offer new hope for people struggling with a variety of mental disorders? Psychedelics, substances that have long been present in culture and folk medicine, are gaining prominence in modern psychotherapy, opening the door to potentially revolutionary treatments. Research increasingly shows their effectiveness in treating conditions such as depression, PTSD, addiction, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety and even eating disorders....

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  • Psylocybina: Od Dawnych Tradycji do Nowoczesnej Nauki - Przełom w Medycynie
    Psylocybina: Od Dawnych Tradycji do Nowoczesnej Nauki - Przełom w Medycynie
    1449 Views Liked

    W dobie poszukiwań innowacyjnych rozwiązań w medycynie, AJNA BioSciences z Littleton wyróżnia się ambitnym projektem: wprowadzenie psylocybiny, naturalnego składnika grzybów halucynogennych, do legalnego obiegu medycznego. Ten przełomowy krok może zrewolucjonizować oblicze współczesnej farmakologii, oferując naturalną alternatywę dla tradycyjnych metod leczenia depresji.

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  • Psylocybin Research: Poland on the Path of Medical Discovery
    Psylocybin Research: Poland on the Path of Medical Discovery
    1835 Views Liked

    National Science Centre supports research In Poland, the National Science Centre has taken the bold step of providing a grant of PLN 2 million for research into the medical use of psilocybin. This historic event opens up new horizons for Polish science and could lead to breakthroughs in the treatment of mental disorders.

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  • European Union invests in research on psychedelics
    European Union invests in research on psychedelics
    1 Comment
    ★★★★★ (5.0)

    In an era of rapid medical development, the European Union is taking a groundbreaking step by investing millions in research into psychedelics. This unique interest focuses on the potential of psilocybin in palliative care, opening up new perspectives for patients with incurable diseases.

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Showing 1 to 4 of 5 (2 Pages)